In English

Welcome to Jämtlands Gymnasium. We are the federation of Upper Secondary Schools in the County of Jämtland.

The Federation was formed in 2005, and consists of the upper secondary schools owned by the municipalities of Bräcke, Krokom, Ragunda, Åre and Östersund. The Federation’s assignment is to be responsible for the upper secondary education as well as the upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities and for some of the municipal adult education (Komvux) in the municipalities.

The upper secondary school consists of different types of programmes:

  • 18 national programmes each lasting three years. They are divided into upper secondary foundation subjects, subjects common to a programme, orientations, programme specialisations and a diploma project.

  • Five introductory programmes for pupils who are not eligible for a national programme.

  • Education that deviates from the national programme structures; special variants, programmes based on national recruitment (RIG) and nationally approved sports programmes (NIU).